Contact the Resort
Got a Question?
You are in the right place! Our website is full of really useful information and answers to our most common queries.
Please be aware that we are currently experiencing a high demand of calls and messages. Check our FAQs pages below as these have answers to most queries.
Be assured that our dedicated contact team are working exceptionally hard to respond to all queries as swiftly as possible. We really appreciate your understanding and patience 🦁
More Help & FAQs
Check our latest updates on our dedicated FAQs pages.
Wildlife Park FAQs
Find open times, prices, membership, events, experiences and more.
Hex Wildlife Hotel FAQs
Learn about facilities, parking, dining options and more.
Resort & Yorkshire Hive FAQs
Learn about the shops, events and restaurants at The Hive.

Our helpful automated phone system can assist with answering many common queries. Our Contact Centre team are also on hand to help with any other queries: (01302) 535057.
Lines are open 8:30am to 4:45pm daily. Please be aware that we are currently experiencing a high volume of calls and will endeavour to answer as quickly as possible.

To get in contact with Yorkshire Wildlife Park, please complete our online enquiries form.
Please be aware that we are currently expecting a large influx of enquiries, therefore please only submit your query ONCE and allow our team up to 7 working days to reply. Thank you for your understanding and patience at this time.

For getting to the main resort, hotel and wildlife park, use DN9 3QY in your satnav - read more on our Directions page.
To write to us:
- Park & Resort
Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Hurst Ln, Doncaster DN9 3QY - The Hive & HEX Hotel
The Yorkshire Hive, Hurst Ln, Auckley, Doncaster DN9 3QY - Shops and businesses in The Hive
Please check their individual pages in The Hive Directory

Media & Press
For official press such a newspapers, reporters & other media outlets.
Please use our Press & Media Enquiries form to reach the team.

Our Wild Creators influencer program is fully subscribed, please check back soon! We do not have plans for new collaborations at this time.
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