Three Red Pandas Together

Donate Bamboo

01 March 2021

Thank you for considering to donate Bamboo for our Red Pandas here at Yorkshire Wildlife Park!

Here are a few things you need to know so that our Red Pandas can get the most out of your Bamboo donation and to ensure the optimum safety of yourselves, the guests and the staff here at the park:

  • All Bamboo must be cut on the day of donation, so it remains tall, fresh, healthy and packed full of those essential nutrients
  • Please ensure the Bamboo hasn’t come into contact with any pesticides or other chemicals

If you would like to donate Bamboo to our Red Pandas, please email us at [email protected] to arrange a suitable contact-free delivery time. Please note, we are unable to accept any unscheduled Bamboo deliveries. **Any unscheduled deliveries made to the park will not be accepted.**

We are unable to pick up donations.

Our Red Pandas eat Bamboo as a main source of their diet. In the wild, they can spend up to 13 hours a day searching for and eating Bamboo!

There are many different species of bamboo they love to eat, if there are any green fingered individuals out there that would like to help, here is a list of some of their favourites along with some photos that might help you identify them:


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